
Taking Care of Others

Taking Care of Others

Taking Care of Others

A story from Melody Hill as told to her by her father, Ephraim Hill.

When the people were still getting around in wagons, there was a family who needed food before a snowstorm. The husband told his wife he would make a trip to the store to get food. The husband told his wife and children to stay home and she agreed. The husband left.

Covered wagons

It was getting later and later the wife was getting worried. The husband got caught in the snowstorm on his way home. The snow was blowing hard and it was getting cold; he was losing feelings in his legs. He was trying to keep warm by the wagon when he heard someone singing.

He saw a light on the top of the hill, so he went that way. When he got on top of the hill, he saw rabbits singing and dancing. He watched them all night and before he knew it the weather cleared up and he was able to get home.

rabbit in snow

Before he left, he was told by the rabbits that they took pity on him and saved his life. When he returned home, he told what he saw and how the rabbits saved his life.